Reward and Reminder Program – Purchase Surveys
Young-looking but legal-age people attempt to buy alcohol to see if they are asked for ID. If it is a “Reward and Reminder” program: a small reward is given to the clerk, if no, a reminder is given.
- No legal consequences, so seen more favorably by some
- Does not require enforcement professionals, so more places can be visited more often
- Can provide local data on retailer compliance
- Volunteers need to be recruited, selected and trained
- May be less effective than enforcement option
- No reason that this can’t be used together with Decoy operation.
- Acknowledgement may be given to alcohol retailers that are in compliance
Reward and Reminder Community Action Module and Components:
- PIRE and Oregon Institute Community Action Module
- Reward and Reminder Framework
- Reward and Reminder Instructions
- Packet Overview Letter
- Release and Waiver Liability
- Reward Letter
- Reminder Letter
- Merchant Follow up
- Consent Form
- Confidentiality Contract
- Reward and Reminder Data Collection Form
- Visit Protocol