Roadside DUI Checkpoints
Drivers are selected at random along major arteries and screened and breath tested where indicated
It can be a very effective deterrence when aligned with high visibility enforcement (HVE). The perceived risk of being caught / arrested creates the deterrent therefore the high visibility is critical to creating a deterrence.
- Full-size Checkpoints can be labor-intensive and cost prohibitive.
There is evidence that a small scale version in a good alternative. Visibility is an important component and it is most effective when it is publicized close to the actual DUI enforcement operation. - It can create synergy when combined with RBS interventions and using place of last drink (POLD) results gathered from the DUI checkpoint to let identified alcohol establishments know the patron of their bar were arrested for driving under the influence. A letter from a police chief to identified bars put them on notice that the police will be watching for over service practices.
DUI High Visibility Enforcement (HVE)
- HVE DUI Checkpoints
- HVE DUI Saturation Patrols
- HVE DUI Enforcement Strategy
- HVE DUI Checkpoint with Explanation
- Visibility Table
- Redlands DUI Article
Visibility Examples
- Huntington Beach Checkpoints Press Release 1
- Huntington Beach Checkpoints Press Release 2
- CSP DUI Fact Sheet
- Huntington Beach DUI Stats Article
- Operaton Safe HB Media Campaign Ads
- Press Release: Media Avisory
- Press Release: HBPD Downtown DUI Operation
- Responsible Redlands New Release
Supporting DUI Checkpoint Documentation
- DUI Enforcement
- Perceived Risk of DUI Arrest
- Public Awareness and DUI Enforcement
- Case Studies on High Visibility Enforcement
- Creating Impaired Driving as a Deterrence
DUI Saturation Patrols
Dedicated team(s) patrol streets looking for DUI. Often times teams will turn into conducting a saturation patrol during specific times and places where drinking and driving is a problem e.g. closing of bars and restaurants.
Saturation patrols are Less labor-intensive and often favored since the team can be pulled away easily for an emergency. These patrols are far less visible to the public then roadside checkpoints yet may generate more DUI arrests. High visibility of saturation patrols may increase deterrent effect especially as part of a larger DUI operation. Promoting visibility of a dedicated DUI saturation patrol is important yet the opportunity may be missed when police departments consider saturation patrols a normal part of doing DUI enforcement and fail to let the public know unless they were pulled over. Police departments that include saturation patrols as part of their high visibility enforcement (HVE) strategy can enhance their deterrent efforts.