Community prevention presents a number of predictable hurdles, including widespread ambivalence regarding underage drinking, an assumption that prevention should only focus on “problem” drinkers, low perceived efficacy of environmental prevention strategies, and common logistical and bureaucratic barriers to collaboration across agencies and organizations. Emphasis on the logic models and work plans is meant to overcome or at least minimize these expected hazards to implementation.
Supplementing the logic models is a summary table with brief descriptions of the components of the overall community intervention. The logic models illustrate how the intervention components target the key influences of excessive and underage drinking.
The logic models and table of interventions are designed to be a starting point toward building specific work plans in each community. Local knowledge is required to weigh the limited options and plan how to implement the specified intervention components.
The first diagram page for each logic model identifies a set of evidence-based programs based with the strength of the intervention research for effectiveness illustrated by the thickness of the connecting line. The second diagram in each series shows the same diagram and highlights the specific evidence-based intervention in a bubble caption that is hyperlinked to the specific intervention overview and aligned with the specific problem area in the logic model. These interventions are also listed under each of the logic models listed below. In addition, a list of evidence-based interventions is provided. Each logic model below is hyperlinked to the specific logic model diagrams.
Underage Drinking Logic Model Diagram
- Minor Decoy Operations Overview
- Reward and Reminder Program Overview
- Social Host Liability / Nuisance Ordinance Overview
- Nuisance Party Patrols Overview
- Retail Serving Practices -Responsible Beverage Service Training Overview
- DUI Enforcement